Anubias Barteri var. "Mini Nana Tree"

Anubias Barteri var. "Mini Nana Tree"

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Anubias Nana is one of the most sought-after Anubias. Like any other Anubias, its an extremely easy plant to grow and can survive a wide range of water parameters. They  can grow in both aquariums and terrariums either submerged or emersed. 

Anubias Nana is a flowering plant that grows best when the rhizome is attached to a hard surface such as wood or stones. They have low to medium light requirements and can benefit from regular fertilization. CO2 is not necessary but can promote faster growth and more robust leaves. Since it's a slow grower, the leaves are susceptible to algae growth if placed under high lighting.   

Propagation is easy and straightforward; simply cut or pull apart rhizomes to be replanted.