Dekeyseria Brachyura L52 L168
Dekeyseria Brachyura L52 L168
Dekeyseria Brachyura L52 L168

Dekeyseria Brachyura L52 L168

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Hailing from the the Orinoco and Atabapo Rivers of South America, this apparently undescribed species of Dekeyseria (which aquarists categorize as L052) sports an attractive pattern of dark and light bands in the juvenile. As they mature, this patterning becomes more convoluted, forming complex shapes and broken stripes that no doubt provide excellent camouflage in its natural habitat.


Reaching a maximum size of 5 inches, this is a perfect species for smaller community tanks. Like most other members of the Family Loricariidae, the Butterfly Pleco is a reliable algae eater, though it is recommended that their diet be supplemented with meaty foods like sinking carnivore pellets or frozen bloodworms. Suitable tankmates would include nearly any small fish from South America: tetras, hatchetfishes, pencilfishes, Corydoras catfishes, and any of the more peaceful cichlids found here.